How to sell my wedding dress quickly?
Here are some guidelines you should consider when creating your listing:
1. Price
A reasonable price tag is maybe the strongest selling point of a listing. Try to price it right :)
2. Pictures
“A picture is worth a thousand bucks!” – Make sure you include enough and quality pictures. Statistics show that people are more likely to purchase a wedding dress when they see the actual pictures of the dress the are about to by, compared with a stock photo from a designer’s website.
3. Description
A good and detalied description of the dress and all the alterations made to it does wanders. Who is to describe your wonderful dress better than you? Include your impressions about how it feels, what you like most about it and so on…
4. Use the Social Buttons
Best practice to get even more traffic hence more exposure to potential buyers is using the social bookmarking buttons on your listing page. Share your lisitng with your friends, and their friends, and their friends and so on, just with a click of a button.
A simple “Like” on Facebook will increase your chances significantly. The same goes for Twitter, Yahoo! Buzz etc.
Of course, you can edit your listing at any time you want after it is active but these are some guidelines that have helped many people selling their dresses even faster.
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